Full Stack Software Developer - Web & Mobile

Full Stack Software Developer - Web & Mobile

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Nearby (100 km)

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: Oct 24, 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

Deliver mobile and web apps end-to-end with ongoing support and a proven track of successful projects. I am a “2023 stack” team player with significant experience in classic back-end technologies (Java Spring, Express/Nest, ASP.NET), front-end frameworks (React Web/NextJS/React Native, HTML5/CSS3, WordPress, Google Firebase), data persistence solutions (SQL/NoSQL databases, MQ systems) and newer 2023 DevOps layers, including workflow management, Agile methodologies, and E2E testing solutions. Possesses extensive cloud-native knowledge and is a certified AWS Developer Associate.

Language skills


Native speaker