Shelby AB

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: Dec 1, 2023

Total work experience:

Language skills: English,

Personal summary

L **Experienced Graphic Designer & Digital/Social Media Marketing Expert** With 7-10 years of expertise, I merge creativity, technical finesse, and strategic insight in graphic design and digital/social media marketing. **Skills:** Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite for crafting impactful designs and branding materials. Experienced in devising and executing comprehensive digital and social media marketing strategies across diverse platforms, focusing on audience engagement and ROI optimization. **Diverse Expertise:** Adept in SEO, email marketing, CMS, and analytics tools. Prioritize client needs and objectives, delivering innovative solutions that exceed expectations. **Adaptable & Collaborative:** Stay updated with industry trends, fostering a collaborative approach to achieve exceptional results while integrating cutting-edge techniques. **Conclusion:** With a proven record of delivering high-quality designs and successful digital campaigns, I aim to utilize my skills to help clients thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.

Language skills


Native speaker