Head of administrative department

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Employer

Last updated: Apr 19, 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: English, French, Arabic,

Personal summary

Mr. Mrs., Holding a bachelor's degree in law from the Lebanese University in Beirut (evaluated by the WES as a baccalaureate of 4 academic years), I began my professional career as head of administrative department at the ministry of justice in Lebanon. During my professional journey I have developed skills especially in supervising a team and hiring new people, maintaining good training for those supervised, managing an office, monitoring files and writing responses, working in a team spirit or individually, under pressure and meeting deadlines, solving problems and communicating with different types of people, interacting with customers, in addition to my knowledge in Microsoft office, zoom, teams. Arabic is my native language and I have a C1 level knowledge in French (TEF Canada accomplished) and a B2 level in English (IELTS accomplished). I am able to follow training in all fields and learn new skills. Regards.

Language skills




Fluent knowledge


Native speaker