Full-stack developer Java/React.js

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: At home

Professional status: Employee

Last updated: Feb 24, 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: French, English, Arabic, German,

Personal summary

As an experienced Fullstack Developer, I bring proficiency in a diverse range of technologies, including Java, Spring Boot, React.js, and Angular. With four years of hands-on experience, I have successfully designed, developed, and deployed robust web applications that meet the needs of both clients and end-users. My expertise in backend development with Spring Boot and frontend development with React.js allows me to create scalable and efficient solutions that drive business growth and enhance user satisfaction. In addition to my technical skills, I am deeply passionate about innovation and problem-solving. I thrive in dynamic environments where I can collaborate with cross-functional teams to tackle complex challenges and find creative solutions. My dedication to continuous learning ensures that I stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in fullstack development, allowing me to leverage cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional results. With a strong focus on quality, performance, and user experience, I am committed to driving the success of every project I undertake and contributing to the overall success of my team and organization.

Language skills






Fluent knowledge

