Software QA engineer

Hourly rate: members only

Availability: members only

Willingness to travel: Nearby (100 km)

Professional status: Freelancer

Last updated: Apr 26, 2024

Total work experience:

Language skills: Gujarati, Hindi, English,

Personal summary

● Bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering. ● Having more than 3 years of experience in software quality engineering. ● Hands-on experience in developing, executing, and maintaining test scripts using Excel, Azure DevOps, and SharePoint. ● Understanding of all the phases of the Test Life cycle, including requirement specifications, test planning, scheduling, testing, defect tracking, and reporting. ● Following Agile methodology to track backlog and sprint tasks with Azure DevOps across different projects and teams to ensure on-time delivery through accurate sprint planning. ● Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. ● Quick learner and accurate attention to detail.

Language skills


Native speaker


Fluent knowledge


Fluent knowledge