Classic marketing

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Classic marketing and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We found 4 freelancers for category Classic marketing

Québec, Canada

Gestion des réseaux sociaux 4 Elaboration des stratégies marketing 4 Google Adwords 3 Marketing 4 Marketing entry strategies 3 Classic marketing 4 Online marketing 4 Personnel marketing 3 Strategic marketing 4 Social media marketing 4


I am a career salesperson/sales manager/business owner and merchandiser. I have worked in broadcasting, print, with small businesses and large multinationals. I have been a business owner since...

St Albert, Canada

Sales management 25 Sales training 25 Business consulting 25 Merchandising 25 Marketing training 25 Classic marketing 25 Social media marketing 20 Shopify marketing 5 Print marketing 25 Promotion 30

Marketing and Graphic Design

I describe myself as a curious individual who enjoys learning and strives to acquire new skills. As a dedicated team member with strong leadership qualities, I am poised to be at the forefront, ready...

Montreal, Canada

Adobe Photoshop 15 Adobe Illustrator 15 Adobe InDesign 5 OpenCanvas 5 Project management - communication 5 Project management - office 5 Social media marketing 3 Classic marketing 10 Content marketing 5 Content management 3

SEO / SEM 3 HTML5 2 MS Office (user know-how) 5 Accounting 4 Sales management 4 Classic marketing 4 Content management 3

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