Database administration

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Database administration and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We have found 34 freelancers for category Database administration

Database Manager

As a database manager with skills in compliance management, financial analysis, risk management, and database management, I bring a unique combination of technical expertise and compliance-oriented...

Kitchener, Canada

Compliance management 10 Technical writing 8 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 10 Visual arts 5 Financial analysis 5 Database administration 8

Gestion Administratif & IT

Je suis performant en gestion administrative et technologique (matériels) pour particuliers et entreprises. N'hésitez pas à prendre contact et à demander plus d'informations.

Winnipeg, Canada

Administrative law 5 SAP Cloud Platform 3 Database administration 4 Application administration 5

Virtual assistant

Hello! I’m the behind-the-scenes wizard ensuring everything runs smoothly in your business world. With over 10 years of experience in project management, I am your go-to partner for taking on those...

Guelph, Canada

Social media marketing 2 Database administration 9 Document management 9 Management 9 Account management 9 Microsoft Access 3 Microsoft Office 365 12 OpenCanvas 3

IT Specialist

I have been working in computer science for 22 years. I have a bachelor degree in computer science. I have various skills and available to work a 15 hours a week.

Beloeil, Canada

Project management, Database administration, 22 Application development 10

Vignesh Subramaniam

Do you need a Data Entry Operator who will help you reduce your workload and give you more time to focus on your core business and looking for a professional Virtual Assistant with high reliability...

Brampton, Canada
Verified experience: 1
Verified references: 1

Database administration 1

Corporate Strategy/Content/Leadership/Market Research

● Proven office and personnel management skills, with equal ability in lead and support roles ● Strong background in marketing, management and operations ● Proven skills in leadership, critical...

Edmonton (Glenora / SW Downtown Fringe), Canada

Marketing 10 Data base search - company profiles 4 eBusiness strategy 6 Transition Management 6 Business plan 7 After sales management 10 Presales 8 Database administration 7 Personnel administration 6 Customer analysis 10

Data Analyst and Visualization Specialist

"Transforming data into actionable insights with SQL, Tableau, PowerBI, and Advanced Excel." Passionate data analyst with a track record of driving transformative insights. Proven problem-solving...

Toronto, Canada

SQL 3 Tableau 3 Microsoft Power BI 3 Microsoft Office 365 5 Python 1 HTML 1 Data analysis 3 Data Visualization 3 Database administration 2 Data Wrangling 2

Data Analyst IT Consultant

I have been working in the Field of Research and Development and completed many projects on Machine learning, data science, Data analytics, and Databases. having expertise in R programming, Tableau,...

Brampton, Canada

Data analysis 1 Data base development 1 Data science 1 Machine learning 4 Research and development 6 Database administration 1

Administrative Specialist

I am a student taking a Diploma in Law Clerk at Seneca Polytechnic College York Campus with a GPA of 3.8 for my previous term. I have also taken a degree in Business Administration in my home...

North York, Canada

Clerical staff 8 Accounting 2 Payroll accounting 8 Database administration 6 Human resources management (HRM) 6

IT administration and support

I have working as data analyst and completed many projects in tableau, R-programming, SQL, Excel. Along with that i have done research projects in machine learning . I am workaholic, multitasker.

Brampton South, Canada

Data analysis 1 Database administration 2 Machine learning 5 Data Mining 3 Data collection / -management 5 Data science 5 Oracle Database (RDBMS) 1 Tableau 1 Microsoft Office 365 3 SQL 1