Software development

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Software development and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

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We have found 17 freelancers for category Software development

A Tech geek with 5 years of experience in Software Development.

Over 5 years in software engineering, I have attained significant experience coding with various programming languages, working directly with corporate leadership and clients, and steering projects...

Burlington, Canada

Angular 4 PHP 5 JavaScript 3 TypeScript 4 Software development 5 Python 1

Het Nirajkumar Thakkar

Focused and highly motivated individual with a College Diploma in Computer Programming, aiming to excel as a performer and innovator. Passionate about continuously learning and adapting to...

Brampton, Canada

Content management 1 Python 1 Software development 1

Data Analyst / Scientist

I gained 3+ years of experience in software engineering and Microsoft technologies. - Have experience in writing queries, manipulating the data using SQL, and scheduling jobs to pull the data from...

Toronto, Canada

Python 4 Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 3 Machine learning 3 Git 2 Visual Studio 3 Software development 3 Data analysis 3 Natural Language Processing (NLP) 3

Sr Technical Manager

• PMP and CSM certified professional with cross-functional experience of 17 years across highly reputed business establishments; possess domain knowledge of CRM systems, Order Management System,...

Toronto, Canada

Business analyse 10 Project management (IT) 10 System architecture 15 Solution architecture 7 Technical documentation 10 Agile software development 10

Calgary, Canada

ASP.NET 12 Web development 10 Software development 12 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 12 PL/SQL 2 JavaScript 10 jQuery 5 Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 2 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 5 C# 12

Arshdeep Singh

I have been using the Java programming language for many years to develop android apps. Right now, I have two apps that are available on the Google Play Store that you can check on my website that is...

Calgary, Canada

Java 5 Android development 3 Software development 4 SQL 2 Python 2 C 5 C++ 3

Graphic Designer

Hi! I'm Noor, a dynamic graphic designer with over 3 years of experience committed to turning concepts into visual masterpieces. Specializing in logo design, branding, and more, my work blends...

North York (Northwood Park / York University), Canada

Adobe Illustrator 3 Adobe Photoshop 3 Adobe Premier Pro 3 Adobe Suit 3 Video Editing 3 Graphic design 3 Web design 3 Software development 3 Brand design 3 Mockup Design 3

Senior Software Engineer | Machine Learning Engineer | DevOps Engineer

I have been developing Software applications for 5 years in over 10 different languages. I have an overall experience in software development, I have experience in DevOps, backend, frontend, database...

Toronto, Canada

Java 3 Python 2 Machine learning 1 Software development 4 Google Cloud 2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 1

ITClan Canada

We are Manitoba based software development company. We are a small team of technology professionals, delivering complex custom business solutions to a diverse customer base. We are proud to be...

Winnipeg, Canada

Website Design & Development 10 Mobile Apps Development 10 Custom Software Development 10 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 10 Graphics Design 10 Digital Marketing 10 Support & Maintenance 10

Brampton, Canada

Software development 1