Master information

Ref. no.: FREELANCE_1141133_

Software Developer

Position: Not specified

Start: May 21, 2024

End: Jun 21, 2024

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Method of collaboration: Project only

Hourly rate: 80$

Latest update: May 2, 2024

Task description and requirements

In this exciting project you will be doing development of python script(s) to query a web-platform for reports according a set of criterias. The found reports (pdf) should be analyzed e.g. key phrase extraction, named entity recognition and an overview to be provided based on relevance.

General Information:
The workload in the project in %: minimum 100%
Project country & location: Romania
Project language: English
Contract type: Contract for service
Share of remote work in %: 100%

Most important/mandatory skills and experience of the profile requested:
- Experience in Silenium
- Python
- Windows

Work Packages:
- Create a program that can crawl web pages / PDF files, identify relevance of the said document and create a condensed report or overview
- Develop solution
- User story provider

Please contact us if you're interested.


Software architecture / modeling Software design Software engineering / -technology