IT Consultant - Program-Project-Change-Infra Manager, CIO, CTO, VP, IT Director, BRM
![IT Consultant - Program-Project-Change-Infra Manager, CIO, CTO, VP, IT Director, BRM](/upload/images/profiles/u87yvixn6m29.png)
Taux horaire: membres seulement
Disponibilité: membres seulement
Disponibilité à voyager: Partout dans le monde
Statut professionnel: Pigiste
Dernière mise à jour: 23 nov. 2024
Expérience de travail totale: 25 année(s)
Connaissances linguistiques: Anglais, Français,
Sommaire professionel
Dedicated 25 + years in building an exciting career with diversified experiences in leading, managing, and consulting global businesses within different areas and contexts: from start-ups to established, from crawling to growing, from successful to pre-dominant; delivering IT strategy, innovation technology, and leadership throughout expansions, restructures, acquisitions, mergers, complex programs of digital transformations carried while promoting competitive edge. My LEADERSHIP philosophy - SERVANT. Running a business single-handedly limits its potential for growth - one needs resources, people, and time. Leading people with power and control over the individual's time, mind, and being is an ineffective technique. Striving to serve people instead - is what makes the World move forward, allowing creativity to take place, flourish, and bring us to a Next Wave Generational Success! My guiding principles are to empower my clients and resources with the tools and knowledge needed for TOMORROW. I honor, privilege, and serve my engagements with humility. I inspire and motivate those whom I lead with a clear vision and strong, confident guiding arm. I balance focus with agility and self-awareness. The better tomorrow starts with your best today! My ENTREPRENEURIAL mindset – VISIONARY. Results-oriented, highly structured, always motivated and moved by challenges. I deliver business value by identifying, clarifying, and defining business needs and issues. I translate the later into business-driven company-wide strategies and approaches aimed to establish organizational structures-policies-procedures-change management cultures; aimed to build and deliver processes with automated-integrated-widespread solutions; aimed to set up road maps for maintenance-support-future innovation. To date, defining and achieving business goals and objectives has materialized to a personal portfolio of versatile client-employer engagements with most of the later already being able to benefit from their investment initiatives, strengthen top and bottom-line financial performances, achieve rapid organic growths, deliver competitive products and services with enhanced customer satisfaction. My PERSONAL goals – ACHIEVER. Growth-minded, driven by the challenges of building a BETTER WORLD with long-term successes. Feel accomplished when able to realize visions, outperform previous results, outperform competition, and eliminate power, control, and dominance over others. Never concerned with failure, staying open-minded to life’s opportunities. Firmly believe in success through resilience and desire to explore the unknown.
Project - start-up-workshop15 Program management15 Project management20 Project execution15 Project documentation15 Project controlling15 Project costing15 Project management (IT)20 Project management - communication20 Project management - conflict management20Connaissances linguistiques