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Are you a freelancer looking for your next project?

Find new projects and offer your expertise to companies.

What you get from working with

  • You will find fairly paid and reputable projects

  • You pay no agency fees

  • You have a wide range of industries to choose from

As a freelancer, you can create your profile easily and free of charge. Our automatic search agent helps you find your next project and the right client. Companies will easily find you on our platform.

Offer for freelancersFind projects
Als Freelancer neue Projekte finden auf
Als Unternehmen schnell & einfach Experten finden für Ihr nächstes Projekt

Find freelancers for your next project

Post your project simply and easily and bring valuable expert knowledge into your company.

  • Find experts by receiving applications or direct search

  • You can use a Basic account for free or benefit of advanced features with Small Business or Enterprise subscription

  • Save time with the efficient matching of our technology

Offer for companiesFind a freelancer

Tips for freelancers & companies

To the blog

3 reasons to choose

Our Commitment

Our platform is an innovative solution for freelancers searching for their next project. Highly skilled freelancers join our marketplace to find a new job quickly by applying and searching our project marketplace of high-quality projects. Canadian companies can search and access premium talent with just a few clicks, and post their projects for freelancers to browse.

Looking to work on a project?

Are you an expert looking for your next challenge? Create a freelancer profile on our platform to present your skills and experience to businesses. You can find projects on in two ways. Firstly, stand out with a great profile and upload your portfolio for businesses to contact you directly, or you can search our project marketplace for 1000s of dream projects and apply right away.

Looking for an expert?

Are you a business looking to hire an expert freelancer? Register as a company now to search through our freelancer network. Easily make a company profile and search immediately for the perfect freelancer with the skills you need, or simply make a project and choose the best of your applicants. You can begin working together right away.

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